Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (ISDAB)

Appeals of subdivision or development decisions are heard by the Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (ISDAB). 

The Board was established and is governed by the Town of Edson Bylaw No. 2305 as well as Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act and associated regulations.

The Board consists of members of the public and Council representatives. If you are interested in serving on the Board, you can check available openings and download an application form here!

Past Hearings and Decisions

February 7, 2024 - SDAB Hearing 048-2023


November 14, 2022 - SDAB Hearing 050-2022 

Upcoming Hearings will be posted here as they are scheduled.

On a subdivision application:

  • the applicant of the subdivision
  • A Government department 
  • Town Council 
  • a School Board 

On a development application:

  • the applicant for the permit
  • person affected by a stop order
  • any person affected by the development 


Some exceptions apply. Please contact the Clerk of the Board at for details.

On a subdivision application, an appeal can be filed when:

  • A subdivision is approved, with or without conditions; or
  • A subdivision is refused or deemed refused

On a development application, an appeal can be filed when:

  • A development permit is issued, with or without conditions; or
  • A development permit is refused or deemed refused

On a Stop Order, an appeal can be filed when:

  • A person feels the Stop Order was not properly issued by the Development Authority


Depending on the location of your property, you may have to file your appeal with the Land and Property Rights Tribunal. Please contact the Clerk of the Board at for details.

Subdivision appeals must be filed within 14 days of:

  • Receipt of written decision from the Subdivision Authority; or
    • If sent by regular mail, the date of receipt is deemed to be 7 days from the date it is mailed
  • Deemed refusal by the subdivision authority

Development/Stop Order appeals must be filed within 21 days of:

  • the date on which the written decision is made;
  • the date the application for the permit is deemed refused; or
  • the date on which the Stop Order was made.

Once your complete appeal is filed, the Board:

  • must hold a hearing within 30 days of  the notice of appeal being filed;
  • provide at least 5 days notice of the hearing date to the applicable parties; and
  • provide a written decision within 15 days after concluding the hearing.


A complete appeal package must include:

  1. A completed Notice of Appeal form, available here; and
  2. Payment of the $250 appeal fee
    • Payments can be made in person at 605 50 St, Edson AB, or online 

Notice of Appeal - Intermunicpal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

Your appeal must be submitted to and received by the ISDAB Clerk within the legislated timelines (see "Appeal Timelines And Deadlines"). You should include any additional evidence or materials in support of your appeal along with the Notice of Appeal form. Submissions may be done in person, by email, or by mail:


Town of Edson
PO Box 6300
605-50 Street
Edson, AB T7E 1T7
Attention: ISDAB Clerk


Your appeal will be included in the Agenda package for the hearing, which is available to the public. You are also able, after filing your appeal, to provide additional evidence to the Clerk in advance of the hearing for inclusion in the Agenda package. The Clerk will advise you of the submission deadline.

Hearings are held by panels of the Intermunicpal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (ISDAB), a body established by municipal bylaw and regulated by provincial legislation for this specific purpose. The panel will consist of trained public representatives appointed by the Town Council, as well as representatives from Council. Hearings are open to the public.

Before the hearing, affected parties may submit evidence to the ISDAB Clerk for inclusion in the public Agenda package. The Clerk will advise of the submission deadline. 

Town of Edson
PO Box 6300
605-50 Street
Edson, AB T7E 1T7
ATTN: Legislative Coordinator 

During the hearing, the Board will hear from the following parties, who will have an opportunity to state their case and present evidence:

  • For a subdivision appeal:
    1. The applicant for subdivision approval;
    2. Each owner of adjacent land to the land that is the subject of the appeal, or a person acting on any of those persons’ behalf;
    3. The subdivision authority that made the decision;
    4. If land that is the subject of the application is adjacent to the boundaries of another municipality, that municipality;
    5. Any school board to whom the application was referred; and
    6. Every Government department that was given a copy of the application pursuant to the subdivision and development regulations

            Some exceptions apply for appeals of a deemed refusal.

  • For a development appeal:
    1. The appellant;
    2. The development authority;
    3. Any other person who was given notice of the hearing and who wishes to be heard; and
    4. Any other person who claims to be affected by the order, decision, or permit and that the Board agrees to hear


If you have any questions about filing an appeal, the hearing process, or any other matters relating to subdivision and development appeals, please contact the ISDAB Clerk at (780) 723-4401 or