Water and Sewer

The Town of Edson is the provider of Water and Sewer services for the community.

Edson uses a well system and we are constantly exploring new sites to ensure our supply of fresh water is maintained and that the water collected is of the highest quality.



PreAuthorized Debit Form - Utilities

Online Billing sign up

Application Backflow Preventer Installation

Backflow Program Confirmation and Acceptance Form

2023 Rain Event Registration Form

Water Risk Levels

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Help us keep reservoir levels up through dry spells this summer by conserving water where you can.
Why do we ask you to conserve water?
The Town of Edson relies on multiple water wells to supply our residents and commercial users with potable water. During long dry periods the water usage per person goes up and the wells can’t always keep up with production. Many factors can play into this, including our regulatory requirements, equipment availability, and how our users (businesses and residents) are using the water.
We need to keep a safe level in our reservoirs to ensure we have adequate water for fire or other emergencies. The Town of Edson is continually looking for ways to increase our water supply and treatment capabilities. Please see the attached chart that reflects measures that will be taken depending on reservoir levels throughout the year.
If we all work together to conserve water, there will be a better chance that amenities will remain open for everyone to enjoy.



Water System

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The Town of Edson's water supply comes from a well system. Currently we have 11 wells, with 9 of them actively supplying water.

The water is treated before entering the potable system. A 12% sodium hypochlorite liquid solution is used, along with disinfection piping, to achieve a 4-log virus removal rate.

Some of the advantages of a well system:

  • wells are considered high quality and require minimal treatment to meet Canadian drinking water guidelines
  • maintenance costs are low
  • more than one well source
  • economical building costs
  • wells are located close to existing distribution lines.

Some disadvantages are supply volumes are lower compared to a river, wells are spread out around the Town, there are multiple pumps and buildings to maintain, and wells require constant exploration.

While we do draw water from the aquifer, the environmental benefits to a well system are the reduction in chemicals for treatment and a reduction in power consumption compared to traditional treatment facilities along the river.

Take the Well Site Virtual Tour


Asbestos-Cement Water Pipes

Edson’s water meets and exceeds all provincial and national standards for safe, clean drinking water, both at the new Water Treatment Plant, wells, and through the distribution network that transports treated water to your home or business.

There have been a few inquiries following recent media reports about asbestos-cement (A-C) water pipes. The following information about Edson’s water system has been gathered by our Public Works Department.

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An example of the typical back-flow preventer used in residential application.

Program begins April 1st


A sound sanitary sewer system effectively manages waste, carrying it off to treatment facilities, but all systems are subject to backup. Even the most sustainably minded household contributes to sewage waste, including cleaning products, animal and human waste, landscape runoff, weeping tile discharge, and non-flushable items like feminine hygiene products and grease. When pipes eventually back up, all that waste reverses its flow right back into your home. Now that's gross!

A backflow preventer, required by law in many municipalities, helps prevent sewage from reversing its flow back into your home during pressure build-ups and flooding events. Regular maintenance and cleaning will help ensure its effectiveness during reverse flow events.


Last year, the Town of Edson introduced a sewer backflow prevention installation program, covering 50% of the installation cost. After the June floods, we hired a plumber to investigate why many homes still flooded and found that many lacked sumps, with weeping tiles connected directly to the sewer line. In response, the Council agreed to also reimburse 50% of the cost to install a sump and pump discharging outside your home as part of the backflow program.

The NEW Sanitary Sewer Backflow Installation Program aims to help residents and business owners protect their investments. Council has allocated a budget for the program, and eligibility is on a first-come, first-served basis until the budget is depleted.

The program identifies potential causes, presents solutions, and offers a subsidy (50% of the cost) to install "Back-Flow" prevention devices and sump pump systems.

*NOTE- this is for gravity flow systems, NOT sanitary lift stations


  • The Home/Business owner would apply/submit application to determine if the property is eligible for subsidy. (Application Backflow Preventer Installation)

  • A preliminary inspection of the property would need to be conducted by a Town of Edson Representative.

    Property’s physical location will determine the course for choosing the right backflow preventer. Before the assessment is to begin, a town representative will review all relevant documentation that will aid with the assessment prior to going to location.

    When on location, staff will do a surroundings observation tour around the neighbourhood, paying attention to the closest sanitary manhole assess points and sanitary flow directions.

    After outside assessment is complete, a through inspection of inside structure MUST be done. Which includes but not limited to:

    • Confirming there is not in floor heating system.

    • Finding main clean out.

    • Determine where all fixtures are tied into the sanitary sewer system.

    • CONFIRM all fixtures are installed behind it.

    • Camera Inspection

  • After preliminary inspection check list is complete, a copy will be left with home/business owner along with copy of camera report.

  • Home/business owner will be responsible to provide their plumber with checklist and camera report. Must be a journeyman plumber with a Town of Edson business licence.

  • When location is ready to have a plumber complete the installation, the home/business owner must contact the Town of Edson’s Public Works Department at 780-723-6461 to ensure budget is available PRIOR to commencement of installation.

  • Home/Business owner is now ready to engage plumber to install back-flow prevention devise.

  • Home/Business owner will be responsible to pay the plumber, then afterwards provide a copy of the paid invoice to the Town of Edson for reimbursement. Reimbursement will equal 50% of invoice.

Rates are changing January 1, 2023

The Fees and Charges Bylaw was passed by Council on November 15th, 2022.

  • Water – Rate adjusted from $1.47 to $1.94/m3.
  • Sewer – Rate adjusted from $1.51 to $1.94/m3.

The updated fee schedule can be viewed below.

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Edson's new Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) came online in 2019. This facility was required following some testing and regulatory changes.

The new WWTP includes:

  • Pumping capacity for up to 32 million liters of wastewater per day.
  • Primary screens and wash press to remove rags, large rocks, and other plastic debris from the waste stream.
  • Grit removal system.
  • Two combined treatment units, allowing one to be taken out of service for cleaning.
  • Aeration equipment.
  • Onsite lab.

Some key benefits of the new WWTP:

  • Ammonia was reduced from levels as high as 35 mg/L in 2009/2010 study to continuously below 5 mg/L under the new operating approval.
  • Effluent pH on average has been reduced.
  • Town of Edson has been passing its LC50 testing, which is a direct measure of impact to aquatic life.



In 2012, the Town of Edson completed a study to look at impacts from the existing lagoon system on the McLeod River.  The study was requested by Alberta Environment and Parks as part of a program to determine whether municipalities could achieve national minimum performance standards.  The study examined wastewater parameters, river data, and studied the impacts of effluent on aquatic life over several years.  The final study indicated that upgrades would have to be implemented in order to comply with the new performance standards, particularly to reduce the concentration of unionized ammonia being discharged from the treatment facility. 

Design and construction of the upgrades took several years to complete. Design included effluent monitoring, process modelling, equipment layout, and many discussions with regulators prior to construction.

The design of the new facility allows further expansion of the facility to treat additional wastewater from residents, reduce certain chemical parameters, and include effluent disinfection in the future as our operating approval limits change. 

Take a Tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant