Starting or Expanding a Business

Are you considering starting or expanding your business in the Town of Edson? There are key steps that every entrepreneur and business should undertake to achieve success. Numerous local agencies and organizations are in place to help navigate those steps and provide support throughout the business development process. 

The Economic Development Department is your one-stop contact for business-related inquires and supports. For further assistance, contact:

Morgan Roberts
Economic Development Officer
P: 780-723-4401

General Mailbox:

PRE-PLANNING is the first step in starting a new business. This is your "lightbulb" moment when your idea is formed. When deciding if you want to turn that idea into a business, remember to answer these important questions: 

  • What problem am I trying to solve and who are my competitors in that space? 
  • Will there be enough interest in my product or services to generate the profit required to make the time and effort I am putting into the business worthwhile?
  • Do I have the necessary finances available to cover my initial expenses like product development, permits, licenses, marketing etc.?
  • Starting a business requires a huge time commitment, am I willing to sacrifice my time to make this idea a reality? 
  • What are my goals and vision for this business?

Planning Tools:  

MARKET RESEARCH is key in ensuring your business concept is sound. Through market research, you learn more about your target market, competitors and industry trends. Further, this information will assist you in finding your niche in the market. Prior to starting your research, make sure to identify the NAICS Code that best represents your business. 

Research Tools:  

Have a BUSINESS PLAN in place at the beginning of the process. This document outlines your business idea and describes the activities, objectives, plans, goals and vision of your business. This document is a requirement if you intend to obtain financing for your startup or expansion. 

Business Planning Tools: 

Your financial institute will likely have a template available to assist in your business plan development  

SITE SELECTION. Many factors define the ideal location to open a business. Access to primary transportation routes, available servicing, zoning, utility providers and costs all affect the viability of a site. The Town of Edson Economic Development Department can assist you in locating a suitable property for your business venture as well as make connections with local realtors and landowners. 

To verify what regulations may apply to your selected property, ensure you contact Town of Edson Planning and Development early in your planning process. 

Site Selection Tools:

REGULATORY PERMITS, LICENSES & REGISTRATIONS may be required Locally, Provincially and Federally for your business. Starting this process early is key in avoiding costly delays in opening your business. 


In the Town of Edson, Business Licence Bylaw 2280 regulates and defines business development within the Town. Through this Bylaw, most businesses are required to obtain local approvals prior to beginning operation. To determine what permits and licences you will require, contact the Economic Development Department early in your planning process. These approvals may include but are not exclusive of the following: 

  • Business Licenses: All businesses operating within the Town of Edson are required to obtain a Business Licence as per Bylaw 2280. This also includes fee exempt businesses and businesses that are not from Edson but performing work within Edson.
  • Development Permits: means a certificate or document permitting a specified development and includes, where applicable, a plan or drawing or a set of plans or drawings, specifications or other documents. This permit is separate and distinct from a building permit.
  • Safety Codes Permits: Any construction, alteration, repair, relocation, demolition or change of use of a building requires Safety Codes Permits in compliance with the Alberta Building Code. "Change of use" includes any building that is being changed from private access to public access. 
  • Detailed information on The Town of Edson’s Planning & Development requirements can be found here!


  • Alberta Health Services: AHS regulates all businesses with public access including those with a food component, personal services, social and health care services, recreation facilities, events, accommodations, playgrounds, education, and public housing. Check online or contact your local Environmental Health Inspector to determine regulations apply to your business and determine what permits you may require. The Economic Development Department can assist you in contacting the Inspector for your specific location.  
  • Business License: In Alberta, some businesses such as Auctioneers, Home Inspections and Door to Door Sales require Provincial Business Licenses. Review the list online to determine if your business is included in this requirement.  
  • Alberta Environment & Parks: According to the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA), you must obtain approval for certain land, water and air projects.
  • Alberta Transportation: Policies, guidelines and permit requirements for development next to Alberta roads and highways.
  • Other Licenses and Registrations


Resources for Entrepreneurs

To access a Guide for Entrepreneurs and Businesses in the Yellowhead, click on the link below to access a document created by our partner,

Community Futures West Yellowhead (CFWY)

Starting a Business in Edson