Budget and Financial Statements

Final Budget 2024

Council has approved the 2024 Operating Budget.

A $37.28 million operating budget was approved that focuses on affordability for our residents, while continuing to offer high quality services to the community.

The budget was designed to touch every pillar of Council’s Strategic Plan: Creating a Connected Community that is Safe and Inclusive; Fostering a Robust and Adaptable Economy; Responding to a Changing Global Environment; Ensuring Quality Infrastructure; and Providing Effective Leadership and Community Engagement.

“Council is pleased to support this final Operating Budget, which sees no new user fee increases, but continues to focus on quality services for our residents. It was important to Council to limit increases considering the immense financial pressure Canadians are dealing with. This is a difficult balance considering costs to municipalities also continue to increase, but we feel we’ve been presented a fair budget that addresses both affordability and quality levels of service.

-Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara

The overall taxation increase for 2024 is 2.89%. The Reserve Policy requires 0.5%, with the remaining 2.39% going towards new budget initiatives.  On an average residential assessment of $336,400, this would equate to an increase of $65.50 for the year.

A couple of changes have also been approved for the 2024 Capital budget, including an increase of $60.24 million for YCE Multi-use Facility with the project set to commence this summer, and a decrease of $1.5 million in the Township Road 532 project.


2024 Capital Budget: 2024 Capital Budget (Amended April 23, 2024)

To view the Media Release: Budget 2024 Update (April 24, 2024)

Info Sheet: 2024 Budget Info Sheet

2024 Budget Report: 2024 Budget Report

2024 Final Budget Presentation: 2024 Budget Presentation


2024 Budget Public Engagement

The 2024 Budget Public Engagement Tool is now closed.

Council was presented with the results of the survey on June 6th. The full report can be found below.

Past results