New and Proposed Bylaws
Numerous bylaws get passed over the course of the year. In some cases, extra advertising and/or feedback will be required. In these cases, the bylaw will be advertised in the media and posted here for further review.
Updated Fees and Charges Bylaw (2025)
The Fees and Charges Bylaw is updated annually in accordance with Council’s approved budget and sets the various rates for the Town of Edson, including Leisure Centre fees, utility rates, business and animal licence fees, planning charges, and more.
Some of the key changes include:
- Assessment Review Board non residential fee increased from $75 to $150.
- Adjustments to utility fees in accordance with the 2025 approved budget, including water, wastewater, waste management, bulk water, and landfill.
- Additional fees added for construction water, after-hours callouts, additional waste containers (additional organics container has no fee), and landfill construction/demo material from outside the region.
- Modified Planning and Development fees to match best practices.
- Business Licence fees for new residents and non-resident has been adjusted to merge into existing resident and non-resident categories.
- Animal licencing fees have been streamlined to remove repetition, and a category for service dog has been added at no charge.
For a complete review of this Bylaw please reference the link below:
*Please note that most new fees will come into effect February 1st. EDLC adjustments will occur in March and July as per the schedule listed in the bylaw.
Solid Waste & Recycling Bylaw

A new Solid Waste & Recycling Bylaw has been approved by Council and it allows for more flexibility when it comes to waste collection in our community.
The new bylaw includes provisions that allow for extra bins upon request by the homeowner.
A second waste bin (grey) will be available at an extra charge of $7.50/month. An additional organics bin (green) can be requested at no cost to the homeowner. To make these requests, please contact Public Works at 780-723-6461.
Please note that bins will not be available for delivery until the new year.
Suspension of services will not be allowed, except for extraordinary circumstances, such as a fire.
Other changes include the increase of non-compliance fines from $300 to $500, the addition of clauses pertaining to recycling, and new definitions to improve clarity within the bylaw.
See the new bylaw below.
Frequently Requested Bylaws / Policies
Our most frequently requested bylaws are listed below for quick access. If you are searching for a bylaw that is not listed, please visit our Bylaws and Policies Centre or contact the Town Office at (780) 723-4401. For a complete Bylaw listing, including a record of repeals and amendments passed for each Bylaw, please consult the Bylaw Index.
Our Planning and Offsite Levy Policies can also be found in the Bylaws and Policies Centre
The Animal Control Bylaw is a Bylaw to license and regulate dogs, and to regulate and control other animals within the Town of Edson.
For a complete review of this bylaw, please reference the link below:
Animal Control Bylaw
This Bylaw pertains to Bulk Water Services within the Town of Edson.
For futher information on this bylaw or any other offenses pertaining to this Bylaw, please reference the link below:
A valid Business License is required to operate a business within the Town of Edson (whether in a residential or commercial area). The Business License Bylaw provides for the licensing, controlling and regulating of businesses within the Town.
Applications for new or renewed licenses may be made in writing to the Licensing Officer at the Town Office. At the discretion of the Licensing Officer approvals may be required from the Development Officer, Fire Chief, Medical Officer of Health, Municipal Planning Commission and R.C.M.P. prior to the issuance of a License.
For a complete review of this Bylaw please reference the link below:
Bylaw No.2280 - Business License Bylaw
You can also download the Business Licence Application Form
Edson Town Council passed all three readings of the Cannabis Consumption Bylaw on October 2nd, 2018. This bylaw bans the consumption of cannabis in all public spaces and outlines related fines.
The Cannabis Framework for changes to the Land Use Bylaw has also been approved. Below is information on the changes and related maps. The significant changes from the original draft bylaw are the removal of setbacks from government buildings, other cannabis related stores, and drinking establishments. They’ve also removed cannabis lounges from the framework to allow for Federal rules and guidelines on lounges and edibles to be established first.
The Cemetery Bylaw regulates and controls the operation of the Edson Glenwood Cemetery. The Town of Edson is responsible for the selling of burial and cremation plots, keeping the required records and the supervision of maintenance and construction.
For more information on this Bylaw please reference the link below:
Bylaw No. 2272 - Cemeteries Bylaw
This bylaw pertains to all Community Standards issues, such as:
- Noise,
- Unsightly Conditions,
- Property Maintenance.
Bylaw 2218 - Community Standards Bylaw
Bylaw 2289 - Community Standards Bylaw Amendment (Highway Adjacent Sidewalks)
This Bylaw establishes principles and procedures to govern the conduct of Members of Council in the performance of their duties. Among other things, it includes provisions around representing and communicating on behalf of the municipality, respect and non-discrimination, relations with Town staff, conflicts of interest, and complaints/enforcement.
The Bylaw may be viewed in its entirety by following the link below.
The purpose of this Bylaw is to assist in the reduction of False Alarms requiring a Police response within the Town of Edson. The Town of Edson and the Edson RCMP detachment ask that all businesses and residents maintain their alarm systems to reduce the number of false alarm calls. False alarm calls also pertain to 911 calls. Please do not hang up if you have accidently called 911. Instead notify the operator of your mistake. Every 911 hangup must be treated with urgency and be investigated to ensure there is no actual emergency. False alarms calls can be costly and potentially dangerous as it can take manpower away from an actual emergency call.
For a complete review of this Bylaw please reference the link below:
This Bylaw contains the fees and charges relating to most Town of Edson Services and Bylaws.
For a complete review of this Bylaw please reference the link below:
*Please note that most new fees will come into effect February 1st. EDLC adjustments will occur in March and July as per the schedule listed in the bylaw.
The Fire Bylaw specifies that the Town of Edson will provide Fire Protection and Emergency Services within the municipality, as well as set out rules and regulations for fire pits in Town limits. Permits are required for all recreational fire pits in the Town of Edson.
For more details pleasefollow the link below.
The Land Use Bylaw is the regulatory document that implements the policy direction set forth in a municipality's Municipal Development Plan. It is the document which regulates and controls the use and development of land and buildings in the community. Based on the planning hierarchy, the municipality divides into specific districts that dictate what uses are permitted and/or discretionary, contains details on how to make applications for development permits; how and by whom decisions on applications are made; and the conditions that can be attached. The Land Use Bylaw also contains regulations regarding setbacks, landscaping, parking, building heights, and signage to name a few.
The Town of Edson’s Land Use bylaw (LUB) was passed on June 4, 2024, please click the following link to the latest revision of the Land Use Bylaw No. 2296.
Under the Outdoor Burning Appliances Bylaw, the installation of an outdoor wood or solid fuel burning appliance within the Town of Edson is prohibited. The operation of such appliances within the Town is also prohibited.
The bylaw also gives inspectors authorization to enter at all reasonable times and in a reasonable manner on property to determine whether the requirements of this bylaw are being observed.
For a complete review of this bylaw, please reference the link below:
This bylaw deals with Public Conduct issues, such as:
- Bullying,
- Fighting,
- Curfew,
- Litter,
- Spitting and Urinating in Public.
This Bylaw states that all Town of Edson buildings and vehicles are smoke-free, except in designated areas. Town buildings designated as smoke free are the Civic Centre (Town Office), Firehall, Public Works Building, Leisure Centre, All Water and Sewer Utility Buildings, Griffiths Park Centre, Recycling Building, Airport Terminal and the Family Centre.
For a complete review of this Bylaw, please reference the link below:
Bylaw 1906 - Smoke Free Town Facilities Bylaw
To review the Province of Alberta Tobacco Reduction Act please reference the link below:
This bylaw will outline the rules and regulations regarding the waste collection system in the Town of Edson.
For more information on the Landfill please visit or call 780-723-6476.
Details on the Recycling Depot can be found at
The updated bylaw includes provisions that allow for extra bins upon request by the homeowner.
A second waste bin (grey) will be available at an extra charge of $7.50/month. An additional organics bin (green) can be requested at no cost to the homeowner. To make these requests, please contact Public Works at 780-723-6461.
Please note that bins will not be available for delivery until early 2025.
For a complete review of this Bylaw please reference the link below:
The updated Traffic Bylaw No. 2291 is now in effect.
Some of the changes include:
- Consolidation and modernization of all relevant adopted bylaws.
- Permitting OHV use within town for the purpose of accessing lands surrounding the town, with conditions.
- Recognition of the increased use of Town streets by trucks and designation of those streets as truck routes.
- Clarification of the definition of “Recreational Vehicle.”
It’s important to note that the OHV use is to be the shortest route in and out of town and does NOT permit any stops along the way.
There are a number of other rules and regulations for OHV use including, but not limited to:
- No Person, including a driver or passenger, shall ride on an Off-Highway Vehicle within the Town unless that Person is properly wearing an approved safety helmet.
- Whenever possible, designated trails, alley ways or service roads shall be used for travel instead of streets.
- No person shall park or operate an Off-Highway Vehicle in or on a school ground; a play ground; a parking lot; private property without the expressed permission of the Owner; a Town park; any Town property without prior written permission from the CAO; a Pedestrian pathway; a cemetery; any area where prohibited by signage; any portion of the TransCanada Highway #16 (2nd and 4th Avenues); or any portion of Highway 748 (25th street).
- No Person shall operate an Off-Highway Vehicle within the Town between the hours of 2200 (10:00 p.m.) and 0700 (7:00 a.m.) the next day.
- No Person under the age of fourteen (14) shall operate an Off-Highway Vehicle without having a supervisor, who is at least eighteen (18) years of age, as a lawful passenger on the same Off-Highway Vehicle, or else travelling in close proximity.
For the full list of rules and regulations, as well as maps of the designated truck routes see the full bylaw below.
- Bylaw 2291 - Traffic Bylaw
- Traffic Bylaw Info Sheet - Off-Highway Vehicles
- Traffic Bylaw Info Sheet - Heavy Vehicles
This Bylaw is pertaining to the water and sewer services within the Town of Edson.
For a complete review of this Bylaw please reference the link below: