Utility Rates

The Town of Edson provides water, sewer and residential waste management pickup. These services are charged to your account monthly as of January 2016. Each residence or business water meter is read for actual consumption every month. Your utility bill will change from one bill to the next depending on the amount of water that has been consumed. We encourage you to conserve water whenever you can.

Utility bills are sent out at the end of every month and due by the 25th of the following month. A 2.5% monthly penalty will be applied if the bill remains unpaid after that time. Any bill outstanding over 90 days will be transferred to your property tax account.

You can refer to the Bylaw 2114 - Utility Rate Bylaw or Bylaw 2217 - Waste Bylaw

Updated Fee Schedules can be found here - Fees and Charges Schedule

Please contact our Utility Department at (780) 723-4401 or utclerk@edson.ca for further information.

Recycle Charges

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In the interest of transparency, the Town of Edson is now breaking out the cost of recycling on all utility bills.

Please Note - This is NOT a new charge. This is designed to show the true cost of recycling as a utility of the Town of Edson. This includes the cost to property owners for the Town of Edson’s contribution towards the operation of the Edson and District Recycle Depot and related programming.

Previously, recycling was covered through taxation.

For more information on our recycling program, go to www.edson.ca/recycle.

Waste Water Treatment Plant Fee

A $14.25 charge is added to all utility bills connected to the Town's sewer system. This fee is necessary to help cover the costs associated with the construction of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and will be in effect for the length of the debenture (20 years).

The total cost of the project was originally estimated at over $17.5 million, with over $6 million being covered by a Provincial grant.

Changes to requirements and regulations for Waste Water by the Province of Alberta under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act made the WWTP project mandatory.

For more information please contact the Town office at 780-723-4401.