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Budget 2024

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Council has passed the 2024 Capital Budget and an Interim Operating Budget.

“One of the pillars of Council’s Strategic Plan is “Ensuring Quality Infrastructure”. Our 2024 Capital Budget focuses on that aspect as the Town works towards improving its stormwater and sewer systems to reduce flood risks and improve the quality of our roads and other infrastructure. We also recognize the major impact the floods and wildfires had on our operations, and Administration worked closely with Council on a budget that moves the community forward while ensuring fiscal responsibility.”

-Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara

Council has approved the 2024 Capital Budget with a focus on infrastructure improvements, repairs, and mitigating risks in the aftermath of the 2023 wildfires and flood. Several major projects addressing critical sanitary sewer and stormwater repairs in response to flooding in 2023, and past years, are included in this budget.  These repairs will commence as part of a coordinated multi-year response to resolve chronic infrastructure problems.  An additional focus of this budget is funding projects to meet Council’s commitment to providing the tools for maintenance of municipal infrastructure.

The 2024 Capital Budget includes twenty-one (21) new initiatives with an investment of $27,548,000.  It also includes $8,990,000 in capital projects carried forward from 2023. Some of those projects were delayed due to the emergencies and other challenges.  The approved budget is $36,538,000, funded 66.6% from grants, 31.7% from reserves, and 1.7% from cost-sharing agreements with Yellowhead County.

Council’s approval of an interim Operating Budget allows continued municipal operations into 2024 as well as includes operational initiatives incorporated into the draft budget. Over the next several months, Administration will work through the budget process with Council with the final budget being delivered in spring of 2024.

For more details on the 2024 Budget, and the full list of approved capital projects and items,

visit www.edson.ca/budget.