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Council Notes - February 20, 2024

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Council Notes - February 20th, 2024

IT Funding Requests. Council has approved $23,500 for migrating the Town’s financial systems to the Cloud and $17,500 to enable a Cloud-based backup disaster recovery platform. Both will be funded from the Administration Operating Reserve and will act as backup/business continuity systems in the event of future disasters where our regular servers and backups could be compromised.

18th Avenue Rehabilitation. Council approved $2,600,000 in the 2024 Capital Budget for this project. Seven (7) tenders were received, with the project being awarded to Parkway Enterprises Ltd. as the lowest bidder at $3,019,862.02. Council has approved an additional $650,000 to be funded from the Infrastructure Project Reserve to cover the budget shortfall. The total project cost is expected to be approximately $3,250,000. Administration intends to apply for the 2024 Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF). If successful, it would secure approximately $580,000, which would be allocated to this project.

Flood Repairs and Recovery. Council previously approved up to $1,000,000 in the 2024 Capital Budget for repairs needed as a result of the June 2023 flood. After encountering several unexpected complications during construction, the project has exceeded the original budget. An additional $750,000 was approved by Council for the remainder of the repairs needed on 6th Avenue and the 2nd Avenue/46th Street intersection to be funded from the Infrastructure Projects Reserve. As these projects are related to the flooding, the Town of Edson will be including it in the Disaster Recovery Plan funding request and anticipates receiving 90% of the total costs back through the provincial program.

Next meetings – The next Council Meeting is scheduled for March 5th, 2024, at 7:00 pm, in Council Chambers.

Agenda/Information package HERE

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