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2023 Budget Approved

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Council has passed the 2023 Operating and Capital Budget.

A $30.5 million operating budget was approved that continues to move our community forward by helping to deal with infrastructure deficits, responding to budget consultation requests, and improving recreational opportunities.

The budget was designed to touch every pillar of Council’s Strategic Plan: Creating a Connected Community that is Safe and Inclusive; Fostering a Robust and Adaptable Economy; Responding to a Changing Global Environment; Ensuring Quality Infrastructure; and Providing Effective Leadership and Community Engagement.

“While it was a difficult process due to challenges with inflation, rising gas and electricity prices, continued provincial downloading, and a substantial mandatory increase in the policing contract, we worked together to find a balance between needed services and overall costs for our taxpayers. Our roads and infrastructure continue to be a key focus, while also adding recreational opportunities and other services for families.”

-Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara

Other highlights of the budget include additional infrastructure investment, an enhancement to the level of service for snow removal services, additional equipment and staffing to support the road program, the addition of a skating oval at Water Tower Park, along with a permanent commitment to the Leisure Assist Program.

The overall operational increase is 5.79% to deal the pressures, provincial downloading and increased service levels noted above.  An additional 2.46% (COVID Recovery) is the final amount needed to make up for the 5% decrease in taxes during the pandemic for a total taxation increase of 8.25%.

On an average residential assessment of $313,204, this would equate to an increase of $163 for the year. Each percent represents approximately $120,000 in revenue.

Capital Budget

The $31.2 million Capital Budget includes a number of key investments for 2023.

  • Vision Park Phase 1 Construction - $1,822,240
  • Emergency Backup Generator (Protective Services Building) - $75,000
  • Structural Protection Unit (Sprinkler Trailer) - $250,000
  • Roof Replacement (Foodbank Building) - $234,000
  • Planned Construction Start YCE Centre (Multi-use Facility). - $20,000,000
  • Road repairs - $400,000
  • Sewer Upgrades (10th Ave Upgrades and 54th Street Project) - $1,000,000
  • Wase Creek Design and Construction - $1,894,390
  • Water Well #25 Redrill and Commission - $500,000
  • Stormwater Asset Condition Study - $300,000

Infrastructure repairs and upgrades continue to be a focus of the Capital Budget in line with our Asset Management Plan. Focused investment in infrastructure is a key part of Council’s Strategic Plan.

Utility Increase

Council approved some utility fee changes within the Fees and Charges Bylaw that will go into effect on January 1st, 2023.

The adjustments to the water and sewer rates will increase reserve transfers for future infrastructure upgrades and replacement, move utilities closer to a cost recovery model, and adjust for inflationary operational costs. A portion of the sewer rate increase will also help fund the new Backflow Prevention Program currently in development. The waste and recycling fee changes are based on the contract with our service providers. The average residential consumer can expect to see an approximate monthly increase of $19.09. The average non-residential consumer will see an approximate monthly increase of $19.20. 

More information on the updated Fees and Charges Bylaw can be found at www.edson.ca/bylaws.

The budget will be brought back to Council in the spring for final adjustments once school requisition and assessment figures are finalized. For the full budget document and information on the budget deliberation process, visit www.edson.ca/budget.