Council Notes - April 4, 2023
Posted onCouncil Notes - April 4th, 2023
Traffic Bylaw. Council has given first reading to Traffic Bylaw No. 2291. This Bylaw modernizes and consolidates all Bylaws related to traffic safety to create one all-inclusive bylaw. Some changes also include the permitting off-highway vehicles in town for the purpose of accessing lands surrounding the community, recognizing the increased use of Edson streets by heavy trucks and designating some as truck routes, and the clarification of the definition of ‘Recreational Vehicle’. Engagement with the public at the upcoming Trade Show and through social media will be conducted to gather feedback prior to further readings. The proposed bylaw can be found online at
Rezoning. Second and third reading was passed for Bylaw 2286, redistricting land at 603 54th Street South from Urban Reserve to M-2 Heavy Industrial. The rezoning is based on the applicant’s intention to develop a Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) processing facility. While Council recognized some of the concerns regarding the proposal, they felt the zoning aligns with intended land use in that area. It was also noted the approval for the facility itself is dependant on Alberta Energy Regulator processes.
Utility Rate Bylaw. Council passed all three readings to Bylaw 2292, which clarifies some provisions relating to enforcement and collection of unpaid service charges.
Reserve Policy Update. Updates have been approved to the Reserve Policy to reflect adjustments since it’s creation in July 2022. Some changes include the addition of a Legislative Reserve to cover the Council Chambers AV Upgrade project, the creation of a Carryover Reserve to cover projects funded by taxation but not completed within the year, as well as the addition of a Designated Industrial Property Assessment Appeal Reserve and Connected Community Reserve.
Director of Emergency Management (DEM). Tyler Robinson has been appointed as the Director of Emergency Management for the Town of Edson in alignment with his new role as Senior Manager of Protective Services. The primary roles of the DEM include maintenance and review of the Municipal Emergency plans, coordinating annual exercises, and ensuring municipal training requirements are met as specified by the Local Authorities Emergency Management Regulation.
Proclamation. National Public Works Week has been proclaimed for May 21-27, 2023. The Town of Edson will be hosting a Public Works Day on May 25 with a BBQ and equipment displays. As well, the winners of the “Name our Graders” contest will be revealed at that time.
RCMP Costs Letter. A letter from Public Safety Canada was received as information regarding the retroactive RCMP salary cost increases, with a financial impact on the Town of nearly $500,000. A press release was issued by Town Council outlining their concerns with the process.
Next meeting - The next Committee of the Whole meeting is set for April 11, 2023, at 7:00 pm. The next Council meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2023, at 7:00 pm.
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