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Council Notes - April 5th, 2022

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Council Notes - April 5th, 2022

Youth Council Presentation. Members of Youth Council gave a presentation to Town Council on their plans for the week surrounding Earth Day (April 22). Youth Council plans to distribute 540 white spruce trees to the public over the week. They’ll be at Sobeys on April 17th, the Leisure Centre on April 20th, and the Galloway Museum April 22nd to hand out the saplings. Youth Council is also encouraging a town-wide garbage pickup with a community challenge from April 16-22 and promoting a Green Shopper Program for that week as well. More details will be available at www.edson.ca/green as plans are firmed up.

Meeting Change – April 12, 2022. Council has approved an adjustment to the time of next week’s Committee of the Whole Meeting. The April 12th, 2022, Committee of the Whole Meeting will start at 6pm. With final budget and other large items on the agenda, the decision was made to start earlier to allow for a more robust discussion of the agenda items.

Council Chambers AV Project. Approval was given for the addition of $35,000 to the Interim Budget towards the Council Chambers AV Upgrade Project. This additional funding will come from reserves and have no impact on taxation. The AV project will improve the live stream of Council meetings, as well as better intergrade the remote access to meetings for Council and presenters.

Letter of Support – Eavor Technologies. Council has approved a letter of support for Eavor Technologies’ Canadian Centre for Geothermal Drilling and Technology Excellence. The proposed centre would potentially be located in the Edson area and supports the commercialization of geothermal technology.

Policing Letter. Approval was given to a regional advocacy letter regarding the Government of Alberta’s consultations on the Alberta Provincial Police Force. Council also approved an endorsement of the National Police Federation’s draft Call to Action on the same topic. Mayor Zahara and Council expressed frustration with the consultation process and lack of answers to questions from municipal representatives on the matter.

Next meetings - The next Committee of the Whole meeting is April 12th, 2022, at 6:00 pm. The next Council meeting is scheduled for April 19h, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Agenda/Information package HERE

App users view the video HERE