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Council Notes - August 16th, 2022

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Council Notes - August 16th, 2022

Delegations. Reflections presented an update to Council on the status of the Shelter Pod Program. While there have been some growing pains, the group feels the program is working as intended with some increased security. A financial request was also made for 2022 and 2023.

Emma Wallace of Rural Development Network gave an update on the results of the Edson Housing and Service Needs Estimation. It was noted that there is no easy answer to dealing with homelessness, however, some recommendations included increased awareness, safety audits of community spaces, shelter pod expansion, transitional housing, and more. The full report is available in the meeting agenda.

Parks Winter Operations. Council received an update from the Parks Department on winter operations. This includes cemetery duties, snow removal and salting of pedestrian routes, outdoor rink flooding and snow removal, and more. It was noted that the overall service levels were very high, and Council would like that maintained, as well as potentially adding some snow removal on sidewalks along the highway. A policy is being prepared and will be brought back to Council for approval at a future meeting.

Municipal Internship Program. Approval was given to apply to Municipal Affairs for a grant under the Municipal Internship Program. The grant would assist in funding a Finance Intern for an 18-month term.

Citizen Budget Results. Council accepted the 2023 Citizen Budget Engagement results as information and will take it into consideration in the 2023 budget deliberations this fall. The budget engagement tool received over 200 responses this year, up from 114 in 2021. Full results will be posted on the Town’s website.

Tax Refund Request. Council has voted against a motion to provide a refund of $166,775.82, representing a portion of the 2022 municipal property taxes applied to roll number 8005.

Next meetings - The next Council meeting is scheduled for September 6th, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Agenda/Information package HERE

App users view the video HERE