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Council Notes - December 6th, 2022

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Council Notes December 6th, 2022

  1. Recognition. Mayor and Council acknowledged young local entrepreneur, Kaylee Leis owner of Kaylee’s Little Lemon for getting 2nd runner up for Lemonade Day National Entrepreneur of the Year, beating out 23,000 other youth across North America.  This is in addition to the other local awards earlier this summer including the Provincial Colouring Contest, Best Tasting Lemonade Best Stand and Best Entrepreneur as part of the Lemonade Stand initiative.

  2. Brock Mulligan, Senior Vice President of the Alberta Forest Products Association, and Natalie Peace, General Manager of Weyerhaeuser, presented regarding electricity and railway advocacy, and requested support from the Town of Edson for a railway advocacy group.

  3. Railway Advocacy. Council approved contributing $2000 to the Alberta Railway Advocacy Coalition, and appointed Mayor Kevin Zahara to the Coalition. Council also approved Mayor Kevin Zahara’s participation, along with associated expenses, in a delegation to meet with government officials in Ottawa to further the Coalition’s advocacy efforts, if required.

    Council has also directed Administration to bring forward a draft resolution supporting the Coalition, for eventual submission to the 2023 Alberta Municipalities Convention and Trade Show. Resolutions presented during this annual conference are voted on by member municipalities and, if successful, become part of the municipal association’s advocacy agenda.
  1. Uncollectable Accounts. The Town of Edson Finance Department reviews outstanding accounts on a regular basis and identifies accounts that remain uncollected.
    Council approved the write off the 2022 uncollectable accounts in the amount of $3,594.37

  2. 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets. Council approved the 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets as presented. This follows an extensive process of deliberations that began on October 15, as well as public consultation initiatives such as the 2023 Budget Public Engagement Tool.

    For more information on the budget, visit www.edson.ca/budget.
  1. 3-Year Operational and 5-Year Capital Plans. Council approved both the operational and capital plans. These plans provide high-level financial forecasting for the Town’s future operational and capital requirements and must be reviewed by Council annually. However, they are not budgets, and will change as priorities and financial processes change.

  2. Information Items. Council accepted an information item regarding advocacy for the Town’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, seeking financial support from the Province for required upgrades.

  3. Items arising out of Closed Session.

    Council consented to an additional 2-year variance of the Edson & District Recycling Society’s (EDRS) lease to allow use of a portion of the property for Shelter Pod purposes. With the previously approved variance expiring this year, and the winter season beginning, this ensures that the Shelter Pods can remain in operation for the period covered by the variance. 

    Council also conducted the CAO's annual performance review and approved an increase to the CAO’s salary as per the terms discussed in closed session.

    Next meeting. Council cancelled the Committee of the Whole Meeting, December 13, 2022, and scheduled a Regular Council Meeting on December 13, 2022, at 7:00 PM