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Council Notes - February 15th, 2022

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Council Notes - February 15th, 2022

Public Hearing. A Public Hearing was held for Bylaw 2270, Land Use Bylaw Amendment. This bylaw provides clear direction, certainty, and efficiency when it comes to excavation, stripping, or grading in the Town of Edson. No submissions were received. Council then passed second and third reading of the bylaw.

Delegation. Annie Desjarlais of the group ‘Citizens Against COVID 19 Mandates and Restrictions’ gave a presentation to Council regarding the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the public health response to it.

Council Code of Conduct Bylaw. Council has given all three readings to Bylaw 2275, Council Code of Conduct Bylaw. This bylaw repeals and replaces the current Code of Conduct Bylaw, incorporating some recommendations from legal counsel, as well as best practices from other municipalities. Some of the changes include a revision and expansion of the complaints and investigations procedure, addition of ethical and behavioural principals, clarification of communications protocol, application of the Code’s core principals to social media environments, and more.

Quarterly Report. Council has accepted the 2021 December Quarterly Report as presented.

Next meetings - The next Council meeting is scheduled for March 1st, 2022, at 7:00 pm. The next Committee of the Whole meeting is March 8th, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Assuming restrictions are lifted by the province as anticipated, the Council Chambers will be open to the public and media for the March 1st, 2022, Council Meeting.

Agenda/Information package HERE

App users view the video HERE