Council Notes - July 18th, 2023
Posted onCouncil Notes - July 18th, 2023
Delegation. Youth Council gave a presentation about their efforts over the last year, including participating in the Untied Way’s poverty simulation, running a successful Earth Day campaign, multiple garbage cleanups, a 50/50 for the food bank, and collecting winter coat donations for Wayfinding. On top of the volunteer work, they also collaborate monthly with Town Administration and Council on projects of concern. The Mayor for a Day winner, Hunter Stunzi, was also on hand and recognized at the meeting. She won the competition with a submission about improving pedestrian safety around Holy Redeemer School.
User Group Relationship, Fees, & Services Review. RC Strategies has been engaged to provide a review of the current state of recreation opportunities in the Town of Edson, fees and allocations, and current best practices. This will help set a practical direction on policy and procedures relating to recreation in Edson. A final report is anticipated this fall.
Flood Damage Repairs. Council has approved up to $1,000,000 to cover repairs for Town infrastructure damaged by the recent flooding. A field assessment showed damage to 8 bridges crossing Bench Creek, 6th Avenue (road and culvert), 46th Street and 2nd Avenue catch basin, 48th Street and 3rd Avenue culvert, and a number of areas in our parks and trails. This will be funded through the Infrastructure Projects Reserve.
Assessment Review Board. Three appointments have been approved under the West Yellowhead Regional Assessment Review Board. Michelle Deschene has been appointed as the Designated Clerk for a 1-year term. Leigh Beamish has been appointed as the Designated Chair for a 1-year term. Mark Fedorak has been appointed to both the Local Assessment Review Board (LARB) and the Composite Assessment Review Board (CARB) for a 3-year term.
Next meeting - The next Council meeting is scheduled for August 15, 2023, at 7:00 pm.
Agenda/Information package HERE
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