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Council Notes - March 1st, 2022

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Council Notes - March 1st, 2022

Delegation. Council received a delegation from Emma Wallace of the Rural Development Network regarding the Rural Homelessness Estimation Project. Some goals of the project are to collect meaningful data on those experiencing homelessness, make recommendations to government, map what homelessness looks like in Edson, and to build awareness.

Ukrainian Flag Raising. Council has directed Administration to raise the flag of Ukraine at the Edson Civic Centre, in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, until such time as is deemed appropriate by the Mayor and CAO. Administration has also been directed to review the Flag Policy.

Addressing Bylaw. All three readings were given to Bylaw 2274 – Addressing Bylaw. This bylaw updates the previous bylaw that was adopted in 1987 and creates consistency and efficiency for assigning addresses within the Town of Edson.

Video Surveillance for Town Facilities. Council has passed the Video Surveillance for Town Facilities Policy as presented. The policy sets clear guidelines and consistency for video surveillance in and around Town Facilities.

Capital Funding Amendments. Council has approved adjustments to the funding of the Alternative Water Source Exploration capital project. Within the 2021 Capital Budget, this will now be funded through the Infrastructure Reserve and the Canada Community Building Fund grant money that was previously funding the project will be reallocated to other projects in the community that qualify.

Funding has also been amended for the Multi-Use Facility capital project in the 2021 Capital Budget. As the project costs are now encompassing part of the overall budget, $2,500,000 will now be shifted from the Multiplex Reserve to the Municipal Sustainability Initiative grant (MSI).

Carry Over Reserve. Council has approved the creation of a Carry Over Reserve within the Town’s Operational Reserves. Each year there are items within the Operating Budget that cannot be completed for various reasons. This reserve will allow purchases to be recorded in the following year without impacting that year’s budget. In 2021 many projects were delayed due to supply chain issues related to the pandemic.

Next meetings - The next Committee of the Whole meeting is March 8th, 2022, at 7:00 pm. The next Council meeting is scheduled for March 15th, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Agenda/Information package HERE

App users view the video HERE

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