Council Notes - March 21st, 2023
Posted onCouncil Notes - March 21st, 2023
Public Hearings. Council held a public hearing for Bylaw 2287, redistricting land at 7440 4th Avenue from Glenwood Service Commercial to C-3 Highway Commercial. The rezoning is to provide for a range of commercial uses, including the intended use of developing a Cardlock Fuel Facility. Two phone calls were received prior to the public hearing with concerns/comments on the number of gas stations already located in the community and potential traffic concerns at the intersection. Later in the meeting Council gave second and third reading to the Bylaw.
A public hearing was also held for Bylaw 2286, redistricting land at 603 54th Street South from Urban Reserve to M-2 Heavy Industrial. The requested rezoning is based on the applicant’s intention to develop a Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) processing facility. The applicant spoke to the proposal and three registered speakers gave brief presentations with concerns ranging from traffic to the size of the facility, and potential risks and emergency response. Prior to the public hearing, responses were also received from Yellowhead County, CN Rail, Alberta Environment and Parks, and adjacent landowners. The bylaw will be brought back at a future meeting for decision.
Edson and District Public Library. Edson and District Public Library Manager Michael Baird gave a presentation to Council, outlining details of the planned Library Renovation and Expansion project.
Council also passed the following motions related to the project.
- That Council authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to enter into a Lease Amendment Agreement and, for the purposes of the Library Renovation and Expansion Project, a Joint Development Agreement, with the Library Board.
- That Council increase the amount of Town funding allocated to the Library Renovation and Expansion Project from $1,000,000 to $1,462,000, to be funded from the Future Civic/Cultural Facility Reserve.
- That Council make the following amendments to the 2023 Capital Budget:
- Addition of the Library Renovation and Expansion Project, with a budget of $3,000,000.
- Increase in revenue to be received for the Library Renovation and Expansion Project in the amount of $1,538,000.
- That Administration be authorized to tender the library project in advance of final adoption of the 2023 Budget and after signing of the Joint Development Agreement by both parties.
Utility Forgiveness Request. Council has denied a request for utility bill forgiveness following a broken pipe in a rental property this winter.
Council Board Appointments. Approval was given for a revised Council Board and Committee Appointment list. The changes include Councillor Chouinard being appointed as Council’s representative on the West Fraser Public Advisory Committee and Councillor Bevan being appointed as the Council representative on the Yellowhead Synergy Group. Mayor Zahara has also been listed as an appointee to the Community Rail Advocacy Alliance.
West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority (WYRWMA) Conference. Council has approved all Councillors to attend the WYRWMA Recycling Industry and Waste Reduction Conference on April 27, 2023, along with associated expenses. It was noted there would be additional costs for travel expected following the recent loss of three Town of Edson fleet vehicles in a fire over the weekend.
Health Minister Letter. A letter from Health Minister Jason Copping has been accepted as information. The letter was in response to recent conversations with MLA Martin Long regarding the number of physicians in the community. It outlines how physician levels are determined and indicates that recruitment is underway for two additional doctors for Edson.
Next meeting - The next Council meeting is scheduled for April 4th, 2023, at 7:00 pm. The next Committee of the Whole meeting is set for April 11th, 2023, at 7:00 pm.
Agenda/Information package HERE
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