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Council Notes - March 5th, 2024

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Council Notes - March 5th, 2024

Utility Bill Forgiveness. A resident has made a request to Council for some forgiveness on their utility bill after a leak caused a substantial increase is water use. While no decision was made at this meeting, Council has heard the information and will take it into consideration for a future decision.

Communications Audit Report. Council has accepted the results of the 2023 Communications Audit Report as information. A number of recommendations came out of the report, including the development of a more formalized plan, increased public engagement, and better internal communications. This audit will be used as the basis for the new Corporate and Crisis Communications Plan, now in development. The full report can be viewed at www.edson.ca/engage.

Director of Emergency Management. The General Manager of Infrastructure and Operations has been appointed by Council as the new Director of Emergency Management (DEM) for the Town of Edson. The DEM is responsible to prepare and coordinate emergency plans and programs, act as the Director of Operations on behalf of the Emergency Management Agency, coordinate all emergency services and other resources used in an emergency, among other duties. The DEM also coordinates annual exercises and ensures municipal training requirements are met.

Motions out of Closed Session.

  • Council has directed Administration to pursue a land matter as discussed in closed session.
  • Council has directed Administration to schedule a Special Council meeting for April 8, 2024, in Council Chambers for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing for Land Use Bylaw #2296.

Next meetings – The next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for March 12th, 2024, at 7:00 pm, in Council Chambers. The next Council Meeting is scheduled for March 19th, 2024, at 7:00 pm, in Council Chambers.

Agenda/Information package HERE

App users view the video HERE