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Council Notes - October 4th, 2022

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Council Notes  October 4th, 2022

Business Licence Bylaw. All three readings were given to Bylaw 2280, the Business Licence Bylaw. Some changes under the new bylaw include a simplification of the types of licences and corresponding fees, the removal of business licence regulation for taxi services, mobile home park operators, pawnbrokers, and second-hand dealers (to be dealt with under the Land Use Bylaw), flexibility to charge pro-rated fees, and more. The proposed new fees are $100 for resident businesses and $200 for non-resident businesses. Those fees will be reviewed during the update of the Fees, Rates, and Charges Bylaw later this year. The updated bylaw and proposed fee schedule can be found at www.edson.ca/bylaws.

Auditor Appointment. Council has appointed Mergaert, Barford, Williams, Joly & Starkevich as the Town’s Auditor for the year ends 2022 and 2023.  

Snow and Ice Control Policy. Council has adopted the revised Snow and Ice Control Policy. Some notable changes include cemetery roads being included in Priority Route #1, parking lots added to Priority Route #5, along with additional equipment that will also be considered in the upcoming 2023 proposed budget. Changes will be updated on the Town website in the coming weeks.

YCE Multi-plex Centre Project Condition Assessment. The Condition Assessment and Conceptual Design Report has been accepted for information. The report outlines the current condition of the Edson and District Leisure Centre site and indicates that, while the pool space would likely need to be replaced, the building itself is structurally sound and can support continued use as part of the new project. The full report can be found at www.edson.ca/facility.

Letter to Health Minister. Council approved a letter to Health Minister Jason Copping as information. The letter includes an open invitation to the Minister to visit the Edson Healthcare Centre and to discuss opportunities moving forward. This follows a meeting with Minister Copping at the Alberta Municipalities Conference in September.

Next meetings - The next Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for October 11th, 2022, at 7:00 pm. The next Council meeting is scheduled for October 18th, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Agenda/Information package HERE

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