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COVID-19 Update

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The Province has moved into Step 2 of their reopening plan. We will continue to monitor the data, but full updates will no longer be provided unless the data/Provincial policies change significantly. Please use the links below to follow the Wastewater trends and Provincial data. Vaccination trends continue to be low in this region. For more information on vaccines visit https://www.alberta.ca/covid19-vaccine.aspx.


Feb 28, 2022 (Updated to the end of day Feb 27) - 35 Active Cases (6 new, 4 recovered since Friday’s update) *PCR testing is only being done for those with clinical risk factors for severe outcomes and those who live and work in high-risk settings. This does not include those that test positive on a rapid test.

The Edson Zone (Central Yellowhead County) is listed as having 35 active cases, 1517 recovered, and 18 deaths. There has been a total of 1570 cases to date for this local geographic area. Yellowhead County is listed as having 51 active cases.

Parkland Lodge in Edson and the Edson Continuing Care Centre have both been identified as having outbreaks. Acute care and continuing care facilities (including group homes) are reported publicly when there are 2 or more cases, indicating that a transmission within the facility has occurred. Outbreaks are declared over when 4 weeks have passed since the last case was identified.

Overall, the Province saw 383 cases on 1,835 tests (20.82% - North Zone 17.36%). There are currently 9,188 active cases in Alberta, 1,224 hospitalizations with 83 in ICU and 3,912 deaths.

Local Map Data - https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#geospatial


Wastewater data is available at https://covid-tracker.chi-csm.ca/ (click the wastewater tab on the top of the page). For more info visit https://research.ucalgary.ca/acwa/research/research-projects/covid-19-wastewater-testing


The Province moved to Step 2 of their reopening plan today.  More details can be found at https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-public-health-actions.aspx.


Edson is below the Provincial average for vaccinations. Everyone aged 5+ can get their first and second doses now (and eligible 3rd doses). Book your appointment at https://bookvaccine.alberta.ca

For more information on the Town of Edson’s response please visit our website at www.edson.ca/covid.