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Water Clearing

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We’re hearing a few concerns regarding unclear water in some locations when the tap is first turned on.  If you encounter this issue, run the tap for a few minutes and it should clear.

The Town of Edson gets its water supply from multiple high quality groundwater wells in and around our community. The aquifer has natural minerals that tend to settle out over time within our distribution system. Because of this, sudden large movements of water can cause the water in your home or business to become discoloured temporarily.

Normally, this is cleared when we do our spring and fall hydrant flushing program. However, one of our large producing wells is down and we are not able to start our spring flushing program at this time. Once that well is back up and running, we will resume our flushing program.

Again, if you do experience unclear water, please run the tap until it clears. For more information, please email utilities@edson.ca or call 780-723-6461.

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