Body-Worn Cameras: Enhancing Transparency and Trust
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The Edson RCMP is rolling out Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs) as part of a nationwide initiative to enhance accountability, transparency, and trust between police and the communities they serve.
This rollout will see 10,000–15,000 cameras deployed to frontline RCMP officers across Canada, including those in rural, urban, and remote locations. Edson RCMP officers will receive training from February 11–13, with the first cameras in operation starting February 14.
What Are Body-Worn Cameras?
Body-worn cameras record real-time interactions between police and the public, capturing objective evidence during calls for service, including:
- Crimes in progress
- Public disorder and protests
- Mental health calls or interactions with people in crisis
- Investigations or other situations requiring evidence collection
Officers will activate their BWCs before arriving at a call, and when possible, they’ll let you know when recording begins.
What BWCs Will Do:
- Strengthen transparency, accountability, and public trust
- Improve evidence gathering for investigations
- Enhance interactions between police and the public
- Help resolve public complaints more quickly
What BWCs Won’t Do:
- Record 24/7 or be used for surveillance
- Record in private spaces, like washrooms, hospitals, or religious institutions
- Be used during strip or internal body cavity searches
Why This Matters:
The RCMP is committed to ensuring Canadians feel protected by, and have trust in, their national police force. Body-worn cameras are a key step toward fostering better relationships and providing fair, transparent policing.
Edson’s Next Steps:
Starting mid-February, body-worn cameras will be part of our local RCMP’s toolkit. Look for them on officers in the field starting February 14.
For full media release click Here.