Highway Adjacent Sidewalk Clearing
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Attention Property Owners along 2nd and 4th Avenue
Recognizing the challenge posed by increased snow accumulation along the highway corridor due to snow plowing and traffic volume, Town of Edson Council has approved a service level enhancement regarding sidewalk snow clearing for improved safety and community walkability.
Key Points:
- Sidewalks along 2nd and 4th Avenue will now be cleared by the town, reducing the responsibility for adjacent property owners and enhancing the safety and walkability of our community.
- Sidewalks will be cleared within 72 hours after a snow event, in line with the Sidewalk, Facility, and Trail Snow and Ice Control Policy C-S-9. (https://edson.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/10489/?preview=47548)
- A temporary contractor has been hired for this service as we finalize the policy implementation.
Please ensure snow from your properties isn't stored on public boulevards, sidewalks or roadways.
Official correspondence will be circulated to the property owners affected by this change.
Any questions can be directed to Community Services at 780-723-4403.
Thank you for your cooperation!