Sanitary Sewer Backflow Installation Program
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The Town of Edson has created a NEW Sanitary Sewer Backflow Installation Program to help residents and business owners protect their investments. Council has set aside $50,000 for the program for 2023, which will cover 50% of the cost of having a backflow device installed. Eligibility is on a first come basis until budget is depleted.
Program begins April 1st!
A backflow preventer helps prevent sewage from reversing its flow back into your home during pressure build-ups and flooding events. Regular maintenance and cleaning will help to ensure its effectiveness during reverse flow events.
*NOTE- this is for gravity flow systems, NOT sanitary lift stations
The Program is intended to identify potential causes, present solutions, and offer subsidy to install such “Back-Flow” prevention devises.
- The Home/Business owner would apply/submit application to determine if the property is eligible for subsidy. (Available for download on our website or at the Town Office or Public Works buildings)
- A preliminary inspection of the property would need to be conducted by a Town of Edson Representative.
- After preliminary inspection check list is complete, a copy will be left with home/business owner along with copy of camera report.
- Home/business owner will be responsible to provide a plumber with a checklist and camera report. *Must be a journeyman plumber with a Town of Edson business licence.
- When location is ready to have a plumber complete the installation, the home/business owner must contact the Town of Edson’s Public Works Department at 780-723-6461 to ensure budget is available PRIOR to commencement of installation.
- Home/Business owner is now ready to engage plumber to install back-flow prevention devise.
- Home/Business owner will be responsible to pay the plumber, then afterwards provide a copy of the paid invoice to the “Town of Edson” for reimbursement. Reimbursement will equal 50% of invoice.
For more details see the Backflow Installation and Inspection Program Info Sheet or visit