Tax Notices
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The Town of Edson Combined Assessment and Tax Notices were mailed out to all assessed property owners on May 15, 2024. The Tax Payment Deadline is June 30, 2024.
New home owners please note - Due to delays at the Alberta Land Titles Office, recent ownership and mailing address changes may not be reflected on the tax notices that were mailed out. If you are a property owner and have not received your notice, please contact the Town Office at 780-723-4401. Proof of ownership is required.
Non-receipt of your tax bill does not exempt you from tax payment deadlines or late payment penalties. All assessed property owners are deemed to have received their tax notice 7 days after it is mailed as per the Municipal Government Act.
The Notice of Assessment date is May 23, 2024. Any person who wishes to make a complaint about a tax assessment can read the instructions on the back of the Assessment and Tax Notice or go to the Town of Edson website at for more information. Formal complaints must be filed by July 22, 2024. If you have appealed your current year property assessment, payment in full is still required by the deadline to avoid penalty. In the event that your appeal is successful an adjustment will be made and a refund will be issued to you.
Edson Civic Centre is open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday.